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Worksheet S-10 and

Charity Care

Includes a thorough review of all Medicaid, General Assistance, and Charity Care components in accordance with the latest available reporting instruction and guidelines; the hospital’s Charity Care Policy manual will be reviewed to ensure proper inclusion of uninsured or under-insured public indigent enrolled candidates. With the S-10 advisory service, it’s all about staying ahead of the curve and being ready for any forthcoming regulatory changes before they happen.


DSH has been significantly expanded under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) to encompass a hospital's Uncompensated Care Payment (UCP). Under the ACA, patient populations being scrutinized for reimbursement now include outpatient in addition to inpatient activity, all non-physician units (i.e. including psych), State indigent programs besides just Medicaid Title 19, and charge/revenue data in addition to days.

Enhanced by the expansion of Medicaid for opt-in States, the landscape of DSH/UCP has become a vastly new frontier of both confusion and opportunity - depending on how it's approached. Ominously, ACA legislation pertaining specifically to the UCP-DSH rate tables are not subject to PRRB appeal. Therefore, absent litigation and with time working against them, hospitals are being pressured to update relevant areas of their Medicare cost report, especially the Worksheet S-10, sooner rather than later to take full advantage of their potential program benefits.

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